EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) and Professional Designation at Senior Practitioner level

Clare was awarded EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) and Professional Designation at Senior Practitioner level The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) provides coaching and mentoring professional accreditation, as well as support and guidance to the coaching and mentoring profession and for its members.   According to the EMCC website, this award is given “The EMCC Global EIA is an…

Chartered Coaching Psychologist

Clare is a chartered psychologist with British Psychology Society through her work as an Occupational Psychologist. However, recently she was able to apply for Chartership status as a Coaching Psychologist to reflect on her practice as a coaching psychologist and also allow for dual identities as a psychologist. “Coaching Psychology is ‘the scientific study and…

matches burning

Burnout is Real

Burnout is the feeling of ‘giving up’, feeling like you cannot carry on doing your daily tasks, or daily tasks feeling a lot harder than normal. Despite the commonality of burnout, research on it is poorly understood. But from what we know, burnout often means that we are physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and exhausted,…

Coaching Accreditation

Clare is delighted to add extra levels of accreditation to support her coaching practice. The training involved to achieve the ILM accreditation will add to her skills as a coach and provide assurance for people who are selecting a coach, to know that their coach is experienced and trustworthy. The membership associations through BPS (British…

Career Transitions

One of the areas we focus on at CMCBP is career transitions. Last month we shared a blog on career transitions. As part of Clare’s Doctorate work, she is researching later life career transitions so do expect lots more content on this subject from us ? Some research we came across this week provided some…

believe in yourself

What is Imposter Syndrome?

“I must not fail.” “I feel like a fake.” “Success is no big deal.” These are some of the statements people with imposter syndrome are likely to say to themselves. Labelled as the fear of being fake, being exposed as a fraud or doubting your accomplishments, imposter syndrome is often evident when someone doubts the…

thank you

The Psychology of Gratitude

Giving thanks for all that’s good in your life has scientifically-proven benefits including improved physical and mental health, better sleep and boosted self-esteem. And it’s not just your personal life that gratitude can enhance. Business relationships can benefit too. As we explain in our latest blog. What is Gratitude? Gratitude is a state of appreciation…