lots of postboxes

April Newsletter

We have just sent out our April Newsletter which focused on changing careers and job seeking in current times. We shared resources on reflective thinking, tips for job searching for graduates and those with more established careers experience, coaching activities, as well as a reminder of some of the services we offer. We appreciate any…


Job Searching: A Graduate’s Perspective

Seeking out jobs is a difficult task to motivate yourself to do in normal times, let alone throwing in a surge of unemployment, millions of people on furlough, a global pandemic, a mental health epidemic, a wave of grief and loss, returning back to family homes, lack of a graduation ceremony, human rights concerns and…

blackboard that reads 'the next step'

Career Change

Looking for a new job at any time can be a stressful event. In the current pandemic times, it can feel extra daunting. If you feel it is time to move jobs then this blog will share some tips for you. First, think about why you want to change jobs. Are you leaving because of…