February Newsletter

We received a lot of positive feedback on our first newsletter and would like to thank all those who subscribed and read it. It’s not too late to subscribe! Last week we sent out our second newsletter for February. This newsletter focused on career development, learning to love your job, and gave an insight into…

setting goals

Career Development & Personal Growth Apps

Recent research has revealed the effect that using technology in the workplace has on employee’s mental health. It suggests that although nearly 60% of senior decision makers said technology had “adverse effects” on mental wellbeing and work-life balance, less than a quarter of workers felt they could talk to their employers about these issues. The…

what do you mean?

Communication in Meetings

CMCBP have been researching inclusive meetings and why they are an important issue for employers seeking to develop effective workplace cultures. CMCBP developed this thinking for a recent workshop on inclusive communications. This blog is sharing some of the areas we communicated during that session. The way we communicate is based on each individual’s perception.…

manchester alliance business school

Neuropsychology of Decision Making Event

Clare is leading a talk at the North West Business Breakfast in Manchester on the topic of The Neuropsychology of Decision Making. Decision Making is one of Clare’s specialisms and, in this talk, will focus on rational thinking and how to become aware of biases which act as a barrier in rational decision making. Clare…


January Newsletter

We at CMCBP have started a new monthly newsletter for 2020. Please click on the link below if you would like to read and subscribe if you would like to receive further newsletters. Alternatively, click the link below to sign up to our mailing list. https://mailchi.mp/c00b71fe20a1/cmcbp We appreciate any support for our small business 🙂…

pro manchester logo

Pro-Manchester Event

Clare is attending and speaking at an event hosted by Pro-Manchester on the Importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Greater Manchester workplaces. Clare will be amongst other leading thinkers of Diversity and Inclusion as well as company directors implementing change in their own organisations. The event is free and will be held on Tuesday…

believe in yourself

What is Imposter Syndrome?

“I must not fail.” “I feel like a fake.” “Success is no big deal.” These are some of the statements people with imposter syndrome are likely to say to themselves. Labelled as the fear of being fake, being exposed as a fraud or doubting your accomplishments, imposter syndrome is often evident when someone doubts the…