Fresh Starts and Improving Productivity

We like to use September as a time to reflect on the last few months of the year by planning ahead and setting new goals. We find this helps our productivity levels and increases our motivation in completing these tasks and achieving these goals. Research has found that during the pandemic, especially more recently, people…

Careers Webinar: Crafting Your Career

Clare hosted a webinar this morning for Pro-manchester on Crafting Your Career. The webinar was well received and the feedback was great. It was full of tips and guidance on how and why changing your role is an important step to take in learning to love your job. Below is a summary of what was…

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August Newsletter

We have recently shared our August Newsletter with our audience and this month’s focused on productivity and how to become motivated as we approach September. For us, and I am sure many of you, September seems like a chance for a new beginning and a fresh start when entering work after the summer months. We…


Our fourth coaching card of the series focuses on this “WOOP” Coaching Model. You can download and print the cards here. This model is one we discovered and love. It is a coaching model to help you turn your wishful thinking into reality. It is so simple, but it can work so well to achieve…

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Pro-manchester Member Spotlight

CMCBP and Clare Mulligan-Foster were recently featured on Promanchester’s member spotlight feature. We are proudly members of Pro-manchester, a business development organisation in the North West. Each week they choose one of their members to focus on and get to know more. This week it was Clare’s turn! To read the feature and to get…

3. Wheel of Life

Our third coaching card of the series focuses on this Wheel of Life exercise. You can download and print the cards here. This is another simple exercise that creates a lovely opportunity for self-coaching, visualizing your successes and future development needed. The cards allow time for reflection as an individual or in a team in…