• How do you want to dress for work in three years’ time?
  • What sort of building do you want to work in?
  • What work life balance do you want?
  • What are your financial goals for your career?
  • What skills do you want to use or develop?
  • What type of organisation do you want to be part of?
  • What has made you happy in your career so far?
  • Who influences you? Or who do you want to influence?


These are powerful questions and people usually know how to answer them. But you might not know what how to make the changes needed in order to wear jeans, work from home, or find a co-working space in your local town, for example.

Because we are all working longer, many will be able to follow two or three different career paths in their lives. Some will want to continue their climb up the corporate ladder, but for others getting rid of the commute is a priority.

I am passionate about helping people with both because I’ve made big changes in my own working life. Through my research and practice, I have developed a career coaching model to support career transition and change. We will explore your work values, work identity, your career goals, your network and help you make a clear plan to reach your ideal career goal.

The aim of career coaching is to give a person space to reflect on their goals they want for their work and life and help them reach this goal. Sometimes these goals may be huge, or people may have no idea on how they will reach their goal as it feels so overwhelming. Others have more specific goals and just need a sounding board to help them get there. Whatever your career goals, coaching can help you create the stepping stones towards you overall goal. The coaching sessions will help you keep on track and set achievable milestones to help you reach your end goal

At CMCBP, we will coach you to find the direction that’s right for your future.

If there is a forest in front of you, I will help you to knock some of it down, to see the potential paths in front of you. We’ll explore those paths. Some you might go down and come back to where you started, some you might keep going and find what you are looking for.

Because ultimately, when something clicks and feels right, it can remove some of the stresses and anxieties associated with work.

We will give you the space and inspiration to do that.

If you would like to talk to Clare about your coaching needs then please email [email protected] or call on 07594946166. Coaching can be arranged face to face or via video/phone